Woman brushing teeth with electric toothbrush

Upgrade Your Dental Hygiene With the Latest Tech

Dentistry is a field of healthcare that is always rapidly advancing and…

New vs. Old toothbrushes

What Your Toothbrush Is Trying to Tell You

Despite being something that we do everyday, we find that patients have a a…

Child with sippy cup

3 Key Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay in Babies & Toddlers

Caring for a baby or toddler's dental health is very different that caring for…

Happy Young Woman Sticking Tongue Out

A Quick & Simple Bad Breath Prevention Tip

Did you know there is a super simple way to help prevent bad breath that you…

Senior Couple Enjoying Snack Outside

Conventional Dentures vs. Overdentures

If you're missing teeth, modern dentistry offers more options than ever before…

Woman with gold toothbrush

The World's Most Luxurious Toothbrushes

A clean, white, and healthy smile can be considered a status symbol: a sign of…

Rabbit eating a daisy at a local wildlife sanctuary park

Amazing Teeth in the Animal Kingdom

As dental professionals, it should be no surprise that we find teeth…

Woman holding dental aligner

3-D Printing & the Future of Dentistry

If you haven't noticed already, dentists tend to be technology nuts. We're…

Mint Chewing Gum

The Truth About Chewing Gum

As dentists, we’ll warn you away from sweet treats most of the time, but…

Smiling Dental Hygienist

Four Things Your Hygienist Wishes You Knew

Dental hygienists see thousands and thousands of patients’ mouths each year.…