The Tyrannosaurus Rex

The largest teeth ever

Here are some of the species with the largest teeth in the world, both extinct…

Dog and Woman Smiling for Selfie

Pets Need Dental Care, Too

Dental care is an important part of our lives, but did you know that it’s…

Tooth Decorating

Decorating Teeth Through the Ages

The practice of decorating teeth has been around for millennia & spans…

Medieval Barbers Were Dentists, Too

As medical professions progressed through history, the care of teeth fell on…

Bite Strength Animal Kingdom

Chomp Champs: Stacking Our Bite Against the Animal Kingdom

Humans aren’t exactly known for our incredible bite force, but it turns out…

enamel tooth wear dentistry

Baby, That Enamel Is Never Growing Back

Your teeth’s enamel is formed when you are still a baby — even younger,…

teeth whitening dentist

Know the Difference a Dentist Makes in Whitening Teeth

Throughout our lives our teeth can tarnish & yellow for a host of reasons,…

Young woman smiling

What Is 3-D Dental Imaging?

3-D dental imaging takes traditional dental imaging to the next level—or more…

Getting Started with Your Full-Mouth Restoration

Sometimes getting the smile you’ve always wanted takes a little work. In cases…

How to Improve Your Smile on a Deadline

Sometimes, there just isn’t time to get a great new smile, but these treatments…