The importance of flossing

Yes, Flossing Really Is That Important & Here's Why

As dental professionals we often feel like a broken record (or a scratched CD,…

dental technician preparing dental bridge

Dental Bridges Abridged

There are many ways to replace missing teeth & restore your smile, &…

woman needs emergency dentist appointment

What to Do If Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out

While we all experienced losing teeth as a right of passage through childhood,…

Boy putting in his sports mouth guard

Protecting Kids' Teeth During Sports

Wearing a mouth guard during sports activities is one of the best ways to avoid…

Couple with Dental Implants

Dental Care Concerns for Seniors

Like every other part of our bodies, our mouths change as we age. As the…

avoid tooth decay obey your hygienist

5 Things You Do That Annoy Your Dental Hygienist

Despite what some people seem to think, a hygienist's greatest desire is not to…

girl making faces dental numbness

How Does Numbing Work?

It may seem like magic to have a dental procedure and not even feel it, but how…

woman grinding teeth bruxism

What You Should Know About Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is when you clench your jaw closed & grind your teeth…

woman thinking about dental lasers

Why Lasers Are Used in Dentistry

The use of lasers in dentistry may sound a bit like science fiction, but it's…

trivia about novocain dental anesthetic

Dentists Don't Use Novocain Anymore!

Dentists no longer use Novocain when treating patients. No, this doesn't mean…