smile makeover without braces

3 Ways to Re-Shape Your Smile Without Braces

When people think of a smile makeover, many people think of braces. And it's…

woman color matching for tooth bonding

The Fast Magic of Dental Bonding

If you need a chipped tooth repaired or want a fast and relatively affordable…

children who lost their milk teeth baby teeth

Not Everyone Loses All Their Baby Teeth (Milk Teeth)!

While most people finish losing their primary teeth (also called baby teeth or…

dental assistant at dentist office

The Role of the Dental Assistant in Your Health

Dental assistants are often described as the dentist's right hand. They are…

pregnant woman with healthy teeth

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

Among the many changes that women experience in their bodies when they become…

man wonders what dental fillings are made of

What Are Tooth Fillings Made Of? (Hint: Not Frosting!)

Ask anyone over the age of 40 and they'll tell you that getting a dental…

Couple with Dental Implants

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are one of the greatest innovations of modern dentistry. They…

risk of tooth decay drinking iced tea

3 Drinks That Have Way More Sugar Than You Think

The message that soda is bad for your teeth and your overall health is hard to…

using oil pulling to prevent tooth decay

The Truth About Oil Pulling

Among the many health fads and rumors going around the web, oil pulling is one…

detox water can help cause tooth decay

Why Your Detox Water Is Bad For Your Teeth

Detox water (also known as skinny water) is promoted as a great all natural way…